Filco Environmental Oil Tank Services
Was Your House Built Before 1965 or Do You Have Gas or Electric Heat?
Chances are that you may have an abandoned heating underground storage oil tanks on your property. The Washington State law states that underground heating oil tanks must be decommissioned. Effective June 30, 1995, WAC54 -34-6106. “Tanks and piping serving oil-burning equipment which shall be removed from service for a period of one year shall be removed from the ground or abandoned in place in accordance with Section 7902.1.7 of this code.”
According to current environmental law, a homeowner can be held liable for any contamination resulting from a leaking home heating oil tank. There is no statute of limitations on this liability. Filco can assist you and minimize your risk exposure.
Tank Removal
After pumping out the oil, we will excavate and remove your tank. Your tank is then transported off-site to be cut, cleaned and scrapped. The hole in your yard is backfilled and compacted. When possible, the ground cover and/or sod can be reused to restore your property. The advantage of removing your underground oil tank is that you never have to deal with it again. Upon completion, you will receive a Decommissioning Certificate.