Soil Testing and Site Characterization
If you suspect that your underground oil tank has leaked, a soil test can be performed for verification and may prevent you from making a mistake today which could cost you more money in the future.
Filco performs soil tests by using hand auger or a Geoprobe System to retrieve the sample from below or next to the underground storage tank. The test samples are then delivered to an independent, fully accredited, analytical testing laboratory that will test the soil for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. All test results are provided in a written report.
If soil analysis determines that a leak has occurred, a full Site Characterization can be performed to determine the extent of the release which can help you determine the best approach to addressing the contaminated soil.
Site Remediation
If petroleum contamination is discovered, cleanup of the petroleum contamination may be needed, depending on the severity. The most common practice to clean up petroleum contaminated soil includes digging the contaminated soil out and replacing it with clean soil. The contaminated soil is taken to an approved facility for disposal and clean fill material is brought in to backfill the excavation. Another method is bio-remediation, where we will inject the ground with oil-eating microbes which may be effective in some situations.