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Filco Company INC


Request a Free Estimate

A Seattle Oil Tank Decommissioning and Tank Removal Company

Preserving and Protecting Our Environment Since 1980

Environmental Oil Tank Services

We provide Environmental Oil Tank Services to both residential and commercial property owners. Several of the services we provide include: Tank removal, in place oil tank decommissioning, locating an underground oil tank, soil testing, tank installation/replacement, contaminated soil cleanup, bio-remediation, and tank pump out. We also work with insurance companies and The Washington State Pollution Liability Agency.

Tank Decommission
Soil Cleanup
Tank Locating
Tank Replacement
Old oil tank in front of house

Why Choose Us?

Professionals You Can Depend On

Filco Environmental Tank Services specializes in residential oil tank removal and environmental services. We are fully licensed, bonded and insured to perform all aspects of oil tank removal, tank decommission, oil tank installations, tank replacement, and locating underground storage tanks, plus soil and groundwater remediation. We can help you through all aspects of dealing with a leaking oil tank. In some cases this involves working with insurance companies or the Washington State Pollution Liability Agency to help cover the costs. We have been servicing the Greater Seattle Area Since 1980.

Man checking soil

Additional Services

  • Site Assessment
  • Commercial Tanks
  • Permits


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